5 beliefs about “weight loss” that are often misunderstood

After working from home for a long time, many people are now starting to return to work. Live your daily life normally Along with the new weight of the New Normal, many people want to lose weight quickly. You will slim before coming back to meet your co-workers. Let’s share with https://ufabet999.com
- Focus only on the weight loss numbers rather than the methods used to lose weight.
For example, you want to lose 5 kilograms in 2 weeks, regardless of the method. It might actually make us decline faster. But the weight loss may be due to loss of fluid and muscle. There is also a risk of a yo-yo.
- To be thin, you must abstain from starch.
In fact, limiting your intake of starch may be another way to help you lose weight. But actually we should pay more attention to the type of starch or carbohydrates we eat. whether it is a simple or complex carbohydrate Eating complex carbohydrates such as brown rice, purple potatoes, vegetables, and unsweetened fruits Allows us to maintain stable sugar levels. Feels like your stomach is full for a long time, not hungry for the next meal. It allows us to control our food intake better as well.
- Low-fat food is a low-calorie food that makes you slim quickly.
When you come across many types of food that say low-fat, fat-free, 0% fat, you may have to look at the label on the back to see if sugar has been added to make it taste better. Otherwise, it will become like taking it to control weight. But you can get full sugar.
- Drinks don’t make you fat.
In fact, sugary drinks are the ones that immediately get sugar into your body when you drink them. It might make you feel good. But it will cause us to have excess sugar without realizing it. Therefore, if you want to lose weight The first thing to do is Must reduce sweet water first. Should be drunk as water, black tea, black coffee, herbal tea without added sugar. Or if anyone doesn’t like the bland taste of water. Try cutting a lemon in half or soaking some berries. It will make you feel as happy as sweet water.
- Eat less and skip meals to get thin quickly.
Trying to skip one meal and make up for it the next. It may make us unable to control our hunger for the next meal. Or some people like to eat small snacks. Because I tried to eat less. But that snack May contain calories similar to a main meal. It also provides insufficient nutrients to the body. This type of dieting does not help in losing weight. It’s not like intermittent fasting. Also known as Intermittent Fasting, which is a good way to lose weight. It will focus on setting a clear time for eating, which will be between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. while still eating a complete meal and complete nutritional groups.